Purge and Reorganize

We shared how we recently went through Ruff Road evaluating our space, purging and reorganizing.  https://ruffroadrvlife.com/together-again-and-one-year-purge-a-versary/ Follow the link below to our You Tube channel, Ruff Road RV Life, to hear what we did to purge and reorganize our RV.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMJF0T7fsbU

RV Living -Month 8: Creativity, Purging, Organizing, Appalachian Trail Prep Dominate!

Songwriter Gary

Month eight of RV living has brought out the creativity, especially in Gary.  What about me?  Well as our RV becomes overrun with backpacking gear and Appalachian Trail prep, I couldn’t take it anymore.  Things that have not been used just had to go and our RV, Ruff Road, was in need of some better… Continue reading RV Living -Month 8: Creativity, Purging, Organizing, Appalachian Trail Prep Dominate!

RV Life – Month 7

Month 7- Life is great!

Ruff Road RV Life in month seven has been busy.  This month was dedicated to clearing out brush and trees, fixing our fence, and final to dos so our home can be appraised and sold.  In addition to all of this busy and physical work, we have both made sure that all doctor and dental… Continue reading RV Life – Month 7

RV Life – Month 5

Our tree

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! This is our first holiday in Ruff Road.  It was almost one year ago that this dream began.  My Facebook timehop popped up with One Year Ago today…my friend and I were taking pictures of RVs at a local dealership.  This time last year, we had no idea we would… Continue reading RV Life – Month 5

RV Life – Month 1

Well it’s been one month and what have we learned?  We are newbies ourselves but we do have some newbie advice. Have a well thought out plan to transition into your new home. Take stock of your needs, not your wants.  For example, Gary wanted a full set of pots and pans, but we didn’t… Continue reading RV Life – Month 1

Yard Sale! Yard Sale Reflection…

Yard Sale!

Books and Clothes and Shoes, Oh My! Picture this:  A family of five moves into a house that is already full from 34 years of wonderful living with children, grandchildren, and grandparents.  They bring with them an entire UHaul truck full of their household belongings, including furniture.  All unwanted items from two households are stacked… Continue reading Yard Sale! Yard Sale Reflection…

The MOVE! Downsizing and Moving in THREE WEEKS!

We knew it was coming, we didn’t know this fast!  We had to downsize and move in THREE WEEKS! Here was the plan:  My daughter, Michelle, and her family were moving back to Florida and planned to buy our house.  We knew about when they were coming.  My last day to work was June 30th. … Continue reading The MOVE! Downsizing and Moving in THREE WEEKS!