Purge and Reorganize

We shared how we recently went through Ruff Road evaluating our space, purging and reorganizing.  https://ruffroadrvlife.com/together-again-and-one-year-purge-a-versary/

Follow the link below to our You Tube channel, Ruff Road RV Life, to hear what we did to purge and reorganize our RV.  

RV Living -Month 8: Creativity, Purging, Organizing, Appalachian Trail Prep Dominate!

RV Living -Get Creative

Month eight of RV living has brought out the creativity, especially in Gary.  What about me?  Well as our RV becomes overrun with backpacking gear and Appalachian Trail prep, I couldn’t take it anymore.  Things that have not been used just had to go and our RV, Ruff Road, was in need of some better organizing.

RV Living Yields Creativity- Gary the songwriter!

As you may know, Gary is a musician and a very talented one at that.  He plays the guitar, bass guitar, and piano.  No we don’t have a piano in Ruff Road but we do have multiple guitars.  Comment below if you need or if you have guitar storage ideas!

Creativity!  This month he has been busy writing lyrics and music to songs.  We needed a theme song for our very young YOU TUBE channel.  He has now cranked out three songs and the instrumentals will be used for background music on our channel.  No music copywright issues here!

We will be posting more on our YOU TUBE channel.  Right now, we have a couple dog videos up just as a test plus one campground review.  The dog videos are short and funny.  Our YOU TUBE channel is RUFF ROAD RV LIFE, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHRpIFHJItKn3X_7DKY77Mw?view_as=subscriber

Having the freedom to be creative through music, writing, singing, and photography has been a bonus of retirement.  We are loving having the time to use our right brains to create.

RV Living Can Lead to Clutter!  Clutter Control-Purging and Organizing

This month’s challenges were  an overstuffed clothes closet, clutter due excess gear clutter on top of the regular clutter and an ineffective dirty clothes receptacle.  They say if you haven’t used it in a year, it has to go.  I think in a small space like an RV you need to assess the clutter more frequently.

Decluttering Clothes Closets

Gary had already gone through his closet and made a donation pile.  He was ahead of me.  I faced my clothes closet- it contained the remnants of my walk in closet from my big house life.  It seemed I was always cramming, and I do mean cramming, my clothes in any nook or cranny I could fit them in because my cute little organizational square clothes totes and other containers were overfilled.  In addition, unstuffed items would fall out when I opened the door.  Now I probably wouldn’t have jumped right into this project just yet but in addition to this I now have backpacking gear taking up space.  This caused me to re-evaluate the other items, especially items that seemed ineffective, unnecessary or unused.

I took everything out of my closet.  Next, I went through each clothes container and pulled out items I haven’t worn or wasn’t planning on wearing.  I did accumulate a small pile to donate along with some of the baskets and an old drawer I was using for storage containers.  They were not the best use of space.  So not only were there too many clothes stuffed in my closet but I did not utilize the space effectively.  In the small space of an RV, optimizing space is a must!

Clost organizing
Closet organized. Seldom used items are easy to find.

Organizing Tip:  Make a diagram of your closet.  This will help to quickly see where infrequently used items are stored.

Making More Floor Space

Next, I looked around my bedroom and the items taking up floor space.  I had tried a tall Thirty-One double hamper for awhile.  It came from the big house but was too big so I gifted it to my daughter.  I then tried a smaller Thirty-One tote I had on hand as a hamper.  It wasn’t working out either because of the location being hard to reach.  I discovered that it was a perfect fit for my closet.  This tote became the holder of my bike shoes and equipment getting them off the floor and out of yet another tote they were housed in.  Now I had the most effective storage in my closet to hold all of my clothes except underwear and work out clothes which are stored above the bed.  As a result of reorganizing this area, we gained some much needed floor space in our bedroom.

Dirty Laundry Solution

What about our laundry though?  We now store our dirty clothes in store recycle bags.  Gary has one in his area.  I have one hanging up on my purse hook.  We have a third one stored in the shower for any nasty laundry.  This is a new system so we’ll let you know how it works out.  So far so good.

Let us know if you have any laundry solutions.  Share on social media and subscribe to follow us on our journey.

Follow Sharon’s Appalachian Trail prep and hike on our Backpacking and Hiking page:  http://ruffroadrvlife.com/appalachian-trail-section-hike/

RV Life – Month 7

Ruff Road RV Life in month seven has been busy.  This month was dedicated to clearing out brush and trees, fixing our fence, and final to dos so our home can be appraised and sold.  In addition to all of this busy and physical work, we have both made sure that all doctor and dental visits are up to date, including Terra and Luna’s shots.  Finally, Appalachian Trail prep has taken over Ruff Road making it seem just a little smaller.

Our lush woods


After- Nice and Clear

Downsizing to Sell

Our home sits on approximately one acre.  We have lots of trees and lots of tree saplings.  I love the natural look so our back yard was like a forest with ferns, trees, saplings, cabbage palms, and all sorts of brush but beautiful in their own right.  In preparing for a good appraisal and to have our fence repaired, the forest had to be thinned.  It was a fun family effort with my daughter and her family.  Bonus- Campfire every day!  It was like camping in our own backyard.   Our downsizing to sell list is now done!  Well, except for the most time consuming scanning and copying of pictures and home videos.

Medical, Dental and Veterinary Visits

It looks like February and March are our annual medical, dental, and veterinary appointment months.  We wanted to make sure we were all up to date since take off time is quickly approaching.  Our goal is to head west in August!

Appalachian Trail Prep Continues – Section Hiking Trip

I continue to plan for my upcoming and final section hike of the Appalachian Trail.  This will be my longest section hike which really comprises three sections.  When I am finished this year, I will have walked every mile of the Appalachian Trail!  Read about my progress on our Backpacking and Hiking page.

Stay tuned for more RV living updates.   Share this on social media and subscribe to see more updates.  Happy hiking, happy camping and happy fishing!





RV Life – Month 5

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

This is our first holiday in Ruff Road.  It was almost one year ago that this dream began.  My Facebook timehop popped up with One Year Ago today…my friend and I were taking pictures of RVs at a local dealership.  This time last year, we had no idea we would be “looking at freedom” everyday.  So here are our tweaks, tips, and trials at Month 5, as well as some general observations.

General Observations:

  • It’s cold even in Florida, but Ruff Road has stayed warm and cozy.  Temps were chilly, but not freezing.  Stay tuned for Month 6 reflection to see how we’ll do in much chillier weather.  However, so far so good.
  • When you retire, you don’t have to be the one to cook and host.  We enjoyed going up to the big house and eating our Thanksgiving feast with my daughter and her family.
  • This leads me to another observation.  We love being with family.  What a difference it makes when the cloud of a stressful job is not hanging over your head and you can enjoy your family mornings, middays or afternoons.  This is something that was difficult for us to find time to do in our past life.  We know not everyone reading this is retired.  We were there.  My advice that I tried to follow while I was working was to work towards a work/ home balance.  It was an ongoing goal.  Sometimes I was really good at it and sometimes work just took over.  However, as long as you set it as a goal, your chance of success are higher than if you don’t.

    • Christmas with the family in St. Augustine, Florida
  • One more observation, a retirement bonus that I noticed.  Christmas shopping and events were so freeing because I didn’t have the work load I did in past years.  My budget was smaller-retirement budget-but we all still had a great Christmas and I loved looking at freedom this time of year.


  • Make a plan to balance work and home.  Hang in there and know that the day will come when you can look at freedom everyday.
  • Need space?  Rethink it.  Even though we feel like we have ample room here, the use of space needed to be improved.  I was using the table for an office but that meant it was always cluttered with the computer and papers.  We were also busy digitizing home videos (part of our downsizing process) and the video and second computer were always on our limited counter space along with copied and to copy VHS tapes.  Clutter, everywhere!  We also observed that the passenger chair, when turned around toward the living room served mostly as a catch all as you came through the door- ugh, more clutter.  What was our solution?  We have a very roomy cab area.  There is a small table next to the passenger chair and the dashboard area is quite large.  I already had office supplies and photography equipment stored there, so…naturally this became our office.  We left the passenger chair turned forward and the space is quite roomy to work in.  We were also able to gain some room by moving one of the dog crates to right behind the passenger chair giving a more closed off look to the space.  We like it.  Expect that tweaking space and rearranging will be the norm when you begin RV living.
  • Protect your RV floors.  We made a huge mistake when we moved in.  We were leaving behind ceramic tile floors that seemed to be indestructible no matter what you pushed across them.  Ruff Road has laminate tiles.  We now know, they will scratch easily.  When we moved in we took baskets, boxes, and crates of belongings to Ruff Road and, like an assembly line, shoved them in the door and pushed them inside to add more.  All of this pushing of weighted items put fine scratches all over our floors.  You can’t really tell unless you are on the floor so that’s the good news.  Then I wondered, were they there all along?  No, I think we did it.  To further protect our floors, we stopped sliding things on them.  The dog crates rest on rugs.  In addition, we put felt on the bottom of our ottoman and free standing chair.  Lesson learned.

Tips relating to dogs:

  • Keep nails trimmed.  We should know this but we let it slip.  Our girls’ nails grow long and sharp if not trimmed.  We wish we were part of the group of folks who know how to do this, but we aren’t- yet.  Our dogs’ nail trimmings require a trip to the vet after a calming pill.  They are overdue and our dash paid the price.  We now have one little pinhole from an excited Terra who jumped up before she could be stopped.
  • Set boundaries for pets.  This should go without saying but…sometimes this doesn’t happen.  Our girls are allowed in the driver and passenger chairs, the ottoman, or the floor.  They are not allowed on the couch or the bed.  They also know to “stay” when we are coming and going through the door.  Consistency is the key.  Make sure both pet parents are on the same page.  If one allows a rule to be broken, pets become confused and, like children, will push their limits.
  • Use Velcro to keep covers on furniture.  When we purchased our RV, the coach seats were already starting to flake.  We keep them covered with blankets and that works well.  Our ottoman is looking a little worn as well so it is covered with a quilted piece of fabric.  I used Velcro to attach the fabric to the ottoman.  I plan to use Velcro to help keep blankets on the coach chairs.  I’ll let you know how that works out.  Until then, we will just rearrange them after the pups mess them up.

What are some trials we’ve had this month?

  • Our onboard water tank filled up twice this month.  The first time water was actually leaking out of the fill tank area.  We thought we had the switch flipped over to city water, but it still happened twice.  After draining the tank twice and rechecking, we haven’t had anymore issues.  Maybe it wasn’t all the way over.  It’s still a mystery.
  • This is tragic!  We purchased a Powilling Dehumidifier from Amazon to take care of excess moisture in the air.  It rode on the built in side table next to the couch.  We had no problem in all of our travels.  However, on one fateful day, as we turned into our driveway, it took a tumble and fell to the floor never to work again.  We recommend this unit.  It has worked great for us.

We are just days away from our first full time RV Christmas.  The tree is up.  The lights are hung.  We are warm and cozy and happy.  Peace to everyone.


RV Life – Month 1

Well it’s been one month and what have we learned?  We are newbies ourselves but we do have some newbie advice.

Have a well thought out plan to transition into your new home.

Take stock of your needs, not your wants.  For example, Gary wanted a full set of pots and pans, but we didn’t need a full set.  I may have wanted to take family photo albums, but I didn’t need to take family photo albums.

That being said, be ok with parting with your “stuff”.  Replace “stuff” with experiences.

Your wants and needs will change as you move from sticks and bricks to woods, water, and adventure.

Know your space.  Diagraming every storage area helped us to know our RV.


Use a camping towel to mop up a lot of water.  It will be dry the next day.  I picked up two more at the dollar store.  We had an issue with our residential refrigerator and had to manually defrost it every ten days.  This super absorbent, quick drying towel was a life saver making quick work of the puddles of water or any other messes we made.

The thing that is a big deal today will not be a big deal in seven days and it will be a lesser deal in 30 days, a year from now.

It’s ok to take a zero day.  A zero day in the hiking world is a day that no miles are hiked.  A zero day to do nothing.  It’s ok.  Just do it sparingly.


Gary is amazed that I was able to get all of our “stuff” in here.

I am amazed at how comfortable I am living in an RV.  I love cooking on the gas stove, sleeping in our cozy bedroom, and even cleaning- it’s quick!

The Ruffs

We had to switch out our Pet Mate plastic dog crates we bought for the RV and use the house American Kennel Club wire crates.  Our girls were just getting too big for ones we bought for the RV even though they were large.  The wire crates have more room, more air circulation, and a lower profile.  We put them on rugs to protect the floor.  They have adapted well and it’s nice to have them right here with us.  Poodle Phoebe is ok as long as daddy is near.  She’s easy.

Problems to Solve

I have heard some say you need to get rid of your hobby items.  This may contradict my wants and needs advice but in my opinion we need hobbies.  I have waited years to retire so I can fully enjoy my hobbies.  Storage is an issue though.  In one month, I was struggling with this problem.  Gary is a musician so he has guitars and amplifiers.  We both love kayaking.  I love hiking, biking, art, photography, crafts, and want to start sewing again.  So you see my problem!  That’s a lot of equipment, supplies.  At one month, I’m still working on this one.

Downsizing was a nightmare, but worth it.

My advice-  Just get rid of it.  I ended up doing that with so many things anyway.  The yard sale helped me to see what both families had to get rid of but I would not do it again.  The work involved vs the return was not worth it.  Donate and get a tax deduction.  When it’s done though, it feels AMAZING!

What a difference one month makes!  We are loving looking at freedom, everyday .

Share your beginning experiences or any questions that you have about RV Life.  Comment and share below.


Command strips work great to make your RV a home.



Yard Sale! Yard Sale Reflection…

Books and Clothes and Shoes, Oh My!

Picture this:  A family of five moves into a house that is already full from 34 years of wonderful living with children, grandchildren, and grandparents.  They bring with them an entire UHaul truck full of their household belongings, including furniture.  All unwanted items from two households are stacked in boxes by the French doors in the dining room and spill out onto the large porch.  If you can picture a maze to get into the house, you got it!  ALL of these boxed up and unwanted items must make it to the yard sale tables ready for eager buyers to descend and purchase these treasures!  I’m not sure this paints a picture of the massive amount of treasures we had to sell, but I hope you get the idea.  We were overwhelmed by the “stuff”.

Yard Sales are not my thing!

I’ll be honest.  I’ve had a couple of yard sales years ago and didn’t make enough money to feel it was worth my time.  We live off of the main road so visibility is one issue.  We live on the quiet side of town and not much traffic here is another issue.   Finally, we live in a neighborhood of working middle class folks, not considered high end which I know many yard salers avoid.  I was hopeful because this time, we had more than ever and some really nice things.  I know that we didn’t have the time to “present” items as we would have liked but they were grouped together in an organized way.

How’d we do?  We had steady traffic on day one and a trickle of traffic on day two of the yard sale.  We made some money and did get rid of some things.  It was fun to see others excited about our treasures.  But…there was ALOT left over.  In fact, it looked like we hadn’t sold anything at all at the end of it.

What do you do with all of the left over stuff?

Well, our clothes and shoes were so nice, barely used we were thinking, my daughter Michelle and I spent the next couple of weekends and hours and hours staging and photographing the clothes and shoes to sell on Facebook Marketplace.  What did we learn from that?  Just go ahead and donate and save yourself the time.  We had to store these items.  It’s Florida in August with rain everyday so we were combating moisture and mildew which decided the fate of many things that were ruined as a result.

More Purging!

So the next couple of weeks, I spent every day going out to the yard sale tables, taking the tarps off and sorting the items to be sold on EBAY or Facebook Marketplace, donate, trash, keep.  I know what you are thinking!  Didn’t we already do this?  We did  but consider this the final purge.  Everyday the amount was less and less.  Rain clouds would form and I’d retarp the area and wait for rain to clear or begin again the next day.  Meanwhile, Gary made trip after trip to the dump and to donate to local charitable organizations.

So how does this make me feel?

I remember the day that the area had returned to its uncluttered state.  That was a happy day!  Inch by inch, anything is a cinch.  Mile by mile, we’ll get there in awhile!  We were making progress.  We had purged our house of 34 years of “stuff”.  We had purged our yard of the leftovers.  We were living happily in our cozy little Ruff Road everyday.  We were blessed to be Grandma/ Grandpa School Transportation to our grandchildren.  We weren’t on the road yet, but we were happy.  Life couldn’t be better!

But there’s more…

We were making progress but there were still two sheds to deal with.  The sheds were the next stop on our to do list.  Inch by inch, this is getting done, too.  Our goal was to be completely done by the end of the year and at this updated writing, we are almost there.  The only things left to do at this point is sell off our EBAY/ Marketplace inventory or donate it and finish the scanning and digitizing of our photos and videos.

Too much stuff!
This is only one third of it!



Even though I do not care for yard sales, I liked getting all of the “stuff” out of the house.  Things that seemed so precious in the house lost their appeal on a yard sale table making it easier for me to say goodbye.  We were able to move forward with the final clearing.  It was freeing, just like when we purged the house.  We felt lighter after the house and even lighter after the yard sale purge.

If Gary were doing this on his own, it would be a much quicker process.  He’s not as sentimental or as much of an overthinker as I am.  So if you are like him, you will get done in half the time or less than we did.  However, if you are the least bit sentimental and tend to overthink things, then welcome to my club.  I’m sharing because if I can let go and do it, you can too.  Happy Purging!

If you have some yard sale reflections you would like to share, add them to the comments and share.  🙂


The MOVE! Downsizing and Moving in THREE WEEKS!

We knew it was coming, we didn’t know this fast!  We had to downsize and move in THREE WEEKS!

Here was the plan:  My daughter, Michelle, and her family were moving back to Florida and planned to buy our house.  We knew about when they were coming.  My last day to work was June 30th.  Then we get word that they would be here July 22nd.  Yikes!  That gave us about three weeks to downsize plan, box up and move into Ruff Road!  Now I’ve watched many downsizing videos, but none of them started with the amount of stuff that we’ve accumulated after six children, several grandchildren, parents passing, and 34 years!   We are not hoarders by no means but we did have…stuff!  Lots of it!

3 Step Purge System for Over Thinkers

Here is my system for purging which I affectionately call the 3 Step Purge System for Over Thinkers.  It is a multi-step process which probably goes against what the experts would say, but it worked for me.  Let’s start with clothes.  I worked in the professional world and had a walk in closet full of professional clothes, which will no longer be required in my retirement life.

Step 1:  I ask myself:  Do I love it?  Yes or no?  If NO-Box up to donate.  If YES- Then it was hung up to keep.  Of course, there is not much room in an RV so I knew that there would be a second purging.

Step 2:  After a day or two, I returned to my YES clothes and I repeated the process.  Do I love it?  I found that I was able to let go of a little more this second round.  It became easier.

Step 3:  This was the final round.  Do I love it?  Yes or no?  To my surprise I was able to let go of a few more.  I did add favorites to a box for my family.  Even though I counted this my final round, as I packed to take my clothes out to Ruff Road, I purged even more.

Bottom line:  My clothes fit into the space I planned for them.  I still have variety in my wardrobe.  My purging system worked for me.  Some may be able to do this in one round or even two.  This worked for me.  For the overthinkers of the world, the three step purge system is recommended.

Sorting to Start

Our home had four bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room, dining room, living room, and two porches.  Our brother in law was staying with us when this grand purge began so that was one room that he took care of, thankfully.  How do you take all of the items, the books, the paintings, the décor, the STUFF and make a plan?

My plan started with sorting.  I began to gather all like items in the living room. All of the children’s books go here.  All of the photography equipment goes there.  All of the fishing décor goes over there.  Everything in the house was sorted, which began emptying out rooms.  Of course, during this sorting process I was also following my PURGING process.  We began posting items that we could sell on Facebook Marketplace.  One half of our living room became our selling warehouse.  That worked out well and one by one many items were sold.  The rest was boxed for a giant yard sale.  Anything we wanted to keep with us was considered carefully, space is a premium in an RV.  Keepers were boxed up to be taken to Ruff Road.

Oh and the photos!  Scanning for four days straight!

So one of the bedrooms had become a scanning station for photos.  We took down all picture frames and removed the pictures as part of our sorting process.  All boxes of photos and photo albums were sent to this room and there is ALOT!   I fancy myself an amateur photographer so just add that to the many family pics.  I stood in that room for four days, morning to late at night, scanning and there are still boxes and tubs left to do.  I finally had to just stop so I could get the sorting and purging done.

When downsizing, scanning your photos and digitizing your home movies are the two most time consuming things you will do.  There is no fast way to do this unless you pay to have it done.  That wasn’t an option for me.  Later on, after the move, I ordered an Elgato to digitize the home movies we had on hand.  I am sentimental and I love seeing my parents and brother again in the movies.  It’s always fun to see the kids when they were little.  If any of you have suggestions on how to get all of this done quicker, please comment and share!

How I stayed sane during this time?  I kept a running TO DO LIST.

Each day I had a TO DO list to keep us on track.  We’d follow the list, adjusting as needed.  I used a regular spiral notebook to keep my list in.  I’d designate if it was Gary or me, cross off completed items and carry over what didn’t get done.  We had a general timeline of what we wanted done by when so that’s how we prioritized the list.  This was essential to us being ready to leave our house July 22nd.  Anyone downsizing or planning a move, it is amazing what you can get done when you plan it out on paper and look at it every day.

How did we do?  Did we meet our deadline of July 22nd?

Why yes, we did- well the majority!  We spent our first full time night in Ruff Road, with pups, the night of July 22nd.  We handed our house over to our daughter that night and haven’t looked back.  We had sorted, boxed, donated and purged.  We only had a few items left in the office, and closet shelves that I weeded out the following weeks.  We had moved all of the things we were keeping into Ruff Road.  This took several hauls and I organized and put it away each trip to make room for the next haul.  Honestly, I am amazed at what we put in here and I was able to put it away neatly.

Ah, so now we could sit back, sip our coffee and relax in the comfort of our new home.  We still had some selling to do and sheds to work on, but the biggest job was done.

Downsizing Reflections…

Downsizing is what it’s cracked up to be.  It is freeing to rid yourself of “stuff”.  This realization began as I had to go in and clean out my mom’s house after she passed.  She, like many who grew up during the depression years, kept everything.  She lived with me her last few years but didn’t want us to do anything with her “stuff”.  I discovered that all of that “stuff” had deteriorated, molded, it was of no value to anyone.  And then, I felt the overwhelming burden of all of this stuff.  It opened my eyes that at the end of the day, our stuff will not stay new, will get eaten and chewed on by bugs, will fade, will deteriorate.  It weighs us down.  You feel lighter inside with each letting go.   Have any of you gone through a downsizing process?  What system worked for you?  Comment and share.  🙂