Our TO DO List for Full -Time RV Life

Load Plan for bikes and kayaks
Bike Rack- Check! Kayak Racks- Check!

I am a list person but this one was overwhelming! Our TO DO list for full-time RV Life really began when we made the decision to travel and live in an RV full- time. That was about two years ago! We have been living in our RV, Ruff Road, for over a year at this time. Our plans were to be in travel mode before now, but circumstances and my Appalachian Trail hike delayed our launch. We did go on a few camping trips to get our travel feet wet and of course, living in Ruff Road everyday allowed us to get to know the ins and outs of RV living.

So my one piece of advice if you decide to become a full-time RV dweller and before you make your own TO DO list for full-time RV life is to be flexible. There were circumstances beyond our control that required us to delay our plans. That’s ok. We have lived happily as stationary full-time RVers. We are looking forward to finally “hitting the road.”

This list will include our final TO DOs. Our process for stocking, and moving in to Ruff Road can be found in our previous posts. In addition, see our previous posts for our downsizing experience. https://ruffroadrvlife.com/the-move-downsizing-and-moving-in-three-weeks/

TO DO List for Full- Time RV Life

How are we doing on our final TO DO list for full-time RV living?

Well, I’m happy to say that most items have been checked completed. We still had a few weeks to go at this point. This list is not a comprehensive list of all we’ve done. However, it includes the things that we needed to purchase and/or to do before we begin our full-time RV travel life. In addition, it includes items that we didn’t even think about initially such as check bank cards.

We hope this last minute list helps others beginning their journey. Follow us on our journey here and on our You Tube channel Ruff Road RV Life: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHRpIFHJItKn3X_7DKY77Mw/videos?view_as=subscriber

By admin

I am a early retiree, lover of hiking, biking, kayaking- anything outdoors, anything nature, all things healthy...bottom line, just an hippy living the dream. My other half is also a retiree, lover of fishing, music, gulf waters...learning to like all things healthy...bottom line, just a hippy living the dream. Even though we are different in many of our likes and passions, one thing we have in common: We like looking at freedom out of our Ruff Road windows everyday!