Purge and Reorganize

We shared how we recently went through Ruff Road evaluating our space, purging and reorganizing.  https://ruffroadrvlife.com/together-again-and-one-year-purge-a-versary/

Follow the link below to our You Tube channel, Ruff Road RV Life, to hear what we did to purge and reorganize our RV.  

By admin

I am a early retiree, lover of hiking, biking, kayaking- anything outdoors, anything nature, all things healthy...bottom line, just an hippy living the dream. My other half is also a retiree, lover of fishing, music, gulf waters...learning to like all things healthy...bottom line, just a hippy living the dream. Even though we are different in many of our likes and passions, one thing we have in common: We like looking at freedom out of our Ruff Road windows everyday!